10th May 2022
1 minute read
Skin is as unique as fingerprints
10th May 2022
1 minute read
At first I didn’t exactly understand what this meant since after all, we are all people of some color. Furthermore, I wondered how I could begin to approach this tricky question without leaving myself vulnerable to attacks on innumerable fronts. There are shades of skin that are lighter and others that are darker, and the task of capturing these shades demands solutions from the perspective of photographic technology. The rest, however, is hardly an issue. According to one of the most widespread theories of color, white is simply all of the colors of the spectrum at once and black is the absence of color. I hope the following question no longer comes up nowadays but I still must pause for a moment to take a note of it: on this planet there are no white-skinned people and no black-skinned people. Rather, there are human beings with skin of almost eight billion different shades, people whose skin is as unique as their fingerprints. With our skin tones, moles, warts, blemishes and scars we acquired over the years, we are all unique.