23rd February 2023
1 minute read
translated by Diana Senechal
23rd February 2023
1 minute read
For Évi
The way I brought you here,
mercy’s weave was upon me,
and girls with knotted hair could smell
the new chill’s daybreak petals.
Since then you have been polishing
my body, like the trunk
of a young birch, until I bleed.
I saw you when all these things began,
and I kept it up to the end, so I could tell the tale,
the way a tender child rewords the first spring sowing.
For the sake of pure water, the swallows don your blue;
over the flawless fields you thunder forth
enemies of comfort and sloth:
storm and darkness, so that
there will be something at stake when I
come again to wreathe uncommon love.
The original Hungarian poem was published in Csenger Kertai’s poetry collection Hogy nekem jó legyen (Budapest: Napkút Kiadó, 2021).