7th March 2023
2 minutes read
pictures from an exhibition *
translated by John Minahane
7th March 2023
2 minutes read
in the cool noir vein:
angels of anarchy have blown the trumpets for assault
laibach sounds from every speaker
and a magician with mouth open swallows the world —
really a prodigiously successful trick
to which the flâneur contributes with cafe fog
(in eu bars and restaurants from 2022
one may chain-smoke only in poland and slovakia)
as a symbol of “good” old times
the story you told me sounded roughly like this:
you woke before daybreak maybe at 4 : 48
you ran out on the street still pyjama-clad and barefoot
and crashed into a black impenetrable wall
the day will surely come when fate catches up with the fateless
no matter when and where no matter whether in the form
of a sorrowful skinhead princess / ariel angel
or a black wall more real than reality
but what’s all that decadence to us
tell me oh tell shelley my favourite
straying and (newly) not finding
for as you know:
the stalker is never alone there’s always more of them
we need backup for the reports from interspace
failure of any kind is impermissible today
black-and-white vision nicely lovely motley wrapped
bacchantes now lusting only once connected
to the most efficient networks
o emerald green waters of the natisone
even the via francigena nowadays takes a shortcut
through an unknown web address
just as you won’t find sylvia plath’s last days
in hughes’s birthday letters
you will learn in time perhaps to distinguish when
good is evil and evil good
truth is a lie and the lie is truth
in any case
today the darkness comes “from the east
[no one:] on our right hand made the lightnings of hope” Iliad, Bk. 2, 353
this world
we must again
* the poem is loosely inspired by Martin Gerboc’s exhibition world without me (Zoya Gallery, 2020) and the following pictures are drawn upon in the text: Magician with Open Mouth, Skinhead Princess II, Stalkers, The Last Days of Sylvia Plath
Cover image
Martin Gerboc
The Last Days of Sylvia Plath (detail)
2018, acryl, airbrush, pastel, paper on canvas, 80 x 70 cm
Image/Reproduction ADAM ŠAKOVÝ
Artwork originally posted on the webpage of the White & Weiss Gallery.