A group of people in a therapy session explore the more sumptuous sides of their hidden desires and touch on the intertwining of trauma and desire.
Sylvia Chutnik’s story describes the death of Alice’s grandfather with ruthless objectivity, yet powerful emotions.
Magda’s life is defined by alcohol, cigarettes, and relationships with older men as a paid companion, but can she still give her young life meaning?
In this short story, McCarthy waits like a professional, in the cell of the New York Department of Correction, or in a motel room with a fifth of rye.
A mystery by László Márton involving a Hungarian chemical engineer and a Persian rug, set in Vienna, just six years after the Soviets withdrew.
A police investigation at the scene of the death of a 17-year-old prostitute, from the pen of the most widely read Slovak detective fiction writer.
In modern Russia, for how long can boyhood fantasies of criminals, femme fatales, and riches truly replace reality? A story by Sergey Kuznetsov.
A conversation with crime writer Thomas Raab about the origins of mean-spirited Austrian humor, the ability to stumble and laugh at oneself, and the hopeless search for the ultimate answer.