
8th June 2023


1 minute read

Petr Borkovec

Prelude from Euripides

translated by David Vichnar

8th June 2023

1 minute read

All cameras around us,

camera holders.

You guys are big on the paunch.
You drink bubbles – you’re big fellas!
What about the shower, smelling good? Bigroy.
They’ve measured something into our brains again…
It’s people – uncover, uncover!

Children! Here have a Praga car.

I’m a granny, sort of 80-year-old.
Hop in the car, Praga Piccolo, Tin Lizzie,
hop in the Caddy! You won’t be a surly sulk now, will ya?

All cameras around us,

camera holders. Have no fear,

children, you all have human bodies,
we’ll all be going down there. Mommies!

Hop in the car! Bigroy.
They’ve got you all bandaged up. Bigroy.
The police flowing. Hop in the car, away!
All cameras around us,

camera holders. So what?

On the posters is the universe.
A human face. Nobody knows anymore.
Ciao. You’ll know I’m not.

All cameras around us.

Try sitting in the car,
you’re big in it. How’s that going?

Hop in the car, Praga Piccolo, Tin Lizzie,
hop in the Caddy! Bigroy!

written by

Petr Borkovec

More about the author

Issue 05

Young & Beautiful

More about this issue

translated by

David Vichnar

More about the translator


Prelude from Euripides by Petr Borkovec
In his poem, Petr Borkovec quietly, concisely, and with exacting observation sharpens out a dramatic micro-story.