29th March 2022
2 minutes read
translated by Valzhyna Mort & Owen Good
29th March 2022
2 minutes read
Übt ein Vogel seinen Mund’
(Hugo Ball: Kind und Traum)
Infants trumpet into elefánt-clouds
bu-bo bu-bo: winged lions sing underwater
nothing to see do you dare to look into the akvárium
do you see letter-snakes rumble
on your tongue “the good heart flutters in a bell jar” “churchbells rise upwards” (Kassák) the image is the mother of the word (Ball)
“the world is born of a bone-colored seed and a turn of a turbine”
zsiráfkrähne rise above the construction babel
lumps of mortar stack subjects prophets’ feet sink in the mortar
the new-language-writers chisel syntax into stone
they trace elephants’ feet they sit in the center of a car wheel
they hang monkeys around their necks the new-priests have critter-collars
they sing with bluethroats
clouds zigzag their winds with scissors
durch lauter licht laufen wir our laughter is louder than the trumpet
in our laughter just enough vowels
our sneezes are consonant
our tongue sweats our modal verbs
in our yawn the long “á” even the long “ó” get longer
we top the letter-curves with a pop of accents we turn
into snails we lick our clauses until they stick
blessyousmilesnails sssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss
buzz around our mouths see the animal in the sky
does it have a horn does it breathe is the horn hot
air balloon strings a question mark we exclaim
the chameleons are eating ginkgo from our palms
our congratulation-chameleons turn green we gobble with the amphibians
together we exhale our new-language
but the language moves and lives and uses our syllabic limbs
tired and mad it hisses
caught in the abdominal muscle it’s grounded it shakes its back
it flings itself to the ground in a herd we fall on the mortar
in a herd we claw at the earth
underwater the lion sings
the fish let out bu-bo
do you dare to sing underwater