In this short story, McCarthy waits like a professional, in the cell of the New York Department of Correction, or in a motel room with a fifth of rye.
A mystery by László Márton involving a Hungarian chemical engineer and a Persian rug, set in Vienna, just six years after the Soviets withdrew.
A fragmentary avantgarde poem by Hungarian poet János Marno, with seemingly no framework, contorted with cynicism, lust, shame, villainy, and terror.
The inhabitants of this plague-struck world, in this poem by Hungarian poet Petra Szőcs, are seething with suspicion, horror, fear, and longing.
A police investigation at the scene of the death of a 17-year-old prostitute, from the pen of the most widely read Slovak detective fiction writer.
In this poem by Hungarian poet János Marno in a private moment of near hallucination a ladybird on a finger is mistaken for a drop of blood.
In modern Russia, for how long can boyhood fantasies of criminals, femme fatales, and riches truly replace reality? A story by Sergey Kuznetsov.
What is the future of crypto, or rather, what is its present? Is it a revolution in the decentralization of power or a Ponzi scheme doomed to fail?