A poem by Hungarian poet Lili Hanna Seres, in Timea Sipos’s translation.
George Szirtes introduces our poets, and considers the topography of craving and its synonyms; the terrain, landmarks, and boundaries.
Two poems, College Library Toilets and Tan Oil by Hungarian poet András Gerevich, in Andrew Fentham’s translation, for our focus of “Crave”.
A boy walks alone through the changing layers of leaves, in a poem by the Hungarian poet Gyula Jenei, translated by Diana Senechal.
A child gets a life (or non-life) lesson, in a poem by the Hungarian poet Gyula Jenei, translated by Diana Senechal.
A boy is terrified by a wolf bursting out of a movie, in a poem by the Hungarian poet Gyula Jenei, translated by Diana Senechal.
In the brilliant translation of Ágnes Marton, Anna Terék’s poem about longing, heartbreaks, and tragedies on the way to our mysterious destination, Magadan.