Category: Poetry

In Focus
Excursion by Fruzsina Mesterházy

As a group of excursionists clamber on, a rock becomes a giant, a little girl appears, invisibly, and the group, now separated, get lost in time.

In Focus
Yesterday’s Biker by Balázs Szálinger

This beautiful, despairing poem about a biker is a love letter to someone we never missed and an obituary to a stranger we never knew.

Christiana Democracy by Balázs Szálinger

Weary and worn, Christiana Democracy considers her name, its history, and questions whether in this world a person can still believe.

Prelude from Euripides by Petr Borkovec

In his poem, Petr Borkovec quietly, concisely, and with exacting observation sharpens out a dramatic micro-story.

“it was iron: i thought by János Marno

A fragmentary avantgarde poem by Hungarian poet János Marno, with seemingly no framework, contorted with cynicism, lust, shame, villainy, and terror.

Epidemic by Petra Szőcs

The inhabitants of this plague-struck world, in this poem by Hungarian poet Petra Szőcs, are seething with suspicion, horror, fear, and longing.

The Ghost of Rococo by János Marno

In this poem by Hungarian poet János Marno in a private moment of near hallucination a ladybird on a finger is mistaken for a drop of blood.

Four Poems by Katalin Ladik

Four poems by one of Hungary’s most prominent avant-garde poets.

Lie Detector by Petra Szőcs

In this polygraphic poem, by Petra Szőcs, we discover whether any truths are revealed when one’s heart becomes the subject of a lie detector test.